Spring starts next week!  Time to start thinking Farmer's Market, Community Garden, and CSA.

There's a myth out there that says, organic produce is expensive.  This is not true. It is the most economical and healthy way to eat. Buy local and seasonal. This is important to your anti-cancer eating plan.

7 Benefits of Eating Locally & Seasonal Produce

Anti-Cancer Nutrition

Plants get their nourishment from the sun and soil. Seasonally fresh produce is picked when ripe and fully developed.  It has the highest levels of antioxidants.


Freshly picked produce have optimal flavor, fragrant, juice, and color.  When satiated, you eat less. Nutritionally dense foods are the building block to a healthy immune system. 


When there's abundance of a produce the price go down. Seasonal food is much cheaper for farmers to produce. Remember, you're buying locally.


Go organic! No pesticides, herbicides or genetically modification (GMO).  It's healthier because organic produce contains higher levels of vitamin C, cancer-fighting antioxidants, essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium.


Get to know where your food comes from, who is growing it, how they're doing it. You'll feel more connected to your farmer and food, in fact, form a partnership, support a local farm. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Farmers' Market create a community around food that encourages you to share your knowledge, ask questions and engage in your local environment. This is the true farm to table experience!

Home Cooking

What better way to show your love!  Nothing could be better for your health. Keep it simple.  When you take control over what you put into your body, you consciously make better choices for your health and continue to stack the odds in staying cancer free.

Support Seasonal Needs

The natural cycle of produce is perfectly designed to support your health. For example, apples grow in the fall and they are a perfect transition food helping the body to get rid of excess heat and cool down before winter. In the spring the abundance of leafy greens helps alkalize the body, detox and release some extra pounds after the winter of comfort food and hibernation. In the summer, cool down and stay hydrated by eating more fruits, berries, cucumber, watermelons and more.

Building a lifestyle around seasonal food facilitates the body's natural healing process.





Linda Raymond
En Pointe Health LLC