Foods That Can Help Kill Cancer Cells but Leave Healthy Cells Alone

Foods can fight cancer in many ways. How? Well, some foods help reduce inflammation which encourages cancer growth. Other foods help kill cancer cell directly through a process called apoptosis. (cell death). Then there are foods that help the body neutralize cancer-causing toxins and free radicals.

Guess what. . . no side effects!  They kill cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells intact!  Bonus, they encourage healthy cell growth.

Okay, want to know what are some of these healing foods?

Here are just a few, Super Foods

# 1  Avocados

An Italian study of over 6,000 people found that consuming one Avocado a day significantly reduce the risk of cancer. In the group eating the fruit, colon cancer was reduced by 30%, breast cancer and ovarian cancer decreased by 24%!

A study published in the journal Cancer Research showed that this food contains a powerful anti-cancer nutrient called Avocatin B.  In this research, this nutrient killed acute cancer stem cells, but left normal cells untouched.

#2  Mushrooms specifically, reishi, other mushrooms will have these properties also, which has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. The compounds in the mushroom have shown an anti-tumor effect in various cancers.

#3  Black Beans these contain much higher amounts of the bioactive potent anti-cancer compound called saponins than most other types of beans. Saponins have been shown to induce cell death in several types of cancers and stop cancer from spreading.

Okay, these a just a few to start you off.  The idea is to eat the rainbow of fruits and vegetables.

Where are you in your healing journey? Detox....Repair. . . Rebuild?

Would you like to get clear on your next steps to stack the odds in your favor and stay cancer free naturally?

Schedule a  complimentary 30- Minute Stay Cancer Free Strategy Session today!  Click the link here:


To Your Health!

Reclaim Renew Thrive!

Coach Linda


Linda Raymond
En Pointe Health LLC