Happy Spring! Linda

One of the Universal Laws that govern your life is "As you sow, so shall you reap".

It's also known as the Law of Harvest.

Nowhere does this principle hold more truth than in the garden of your mind.

What are you cultivating in the recesses of your mind?

What seeds have you've sown in your garden that's no longer serving you?

Do you believe your thoughts can be kept a secret.... sorry, your words and behavior reflect what's going on in your mind.

Are you recovering from a serious illness?  What's going on in the back of your mind. . ." Wow, I hope I don't get that again"!  What if?!

 Are your dominant thoughts positive or negative?

Whatever you focus on most of the time becomes your reality!

Do you want to stay cancer free. . . focus on ways to improve your health.  Let go of the "what ifs".

So, if you want to alter your life's path, you must first alter your thoughts.

Easier said than done, right! Okay, I hear you, here's a mind management tool to help you do just that.

It's called the THOUGHT STOPPING TECHNIQUE.  You can use this technique to help control negative thoughts you may be harboring about yourself.

What types of negative thoughts do you have about yourself?

  • Failures? In relationships? Jobs?  Other circumstances in life?
  • Unpleasant comments others have made about you?
  • Unresolved conflicts?
  • Fear of the unknown?

Whatever the thoughts you quietly harbor, they are often a negative storyline focusing on failures, weaknesses, and illnesses.  When thoughts have already overtaken you, stop, cope and take control through the tool "Thought-Stopping."

Here's the tool I promised:

When you become aware of a negative thought about yourself, such as "What if I get cancer again" the 'though-stopping' technique is to do something physically to offset the negative thought.  So when the negative thought occurs,

  • Do something physically such as:
    • Snap your fingers.
    • Clap your hands.
    • Tap your wrist.
    • Gesture in some way.


  • Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.  This will release anxiety and stress.


  • Challenge the negative thought and change it to something positive: "I am in the process of stacking the odds in my favor at staying cancer free" or My past cancer diagnosis doesn't define or hide the incredible person I am." I'm a thriver!"

So the next time you get a negative thought about yourself, use this technique.  Let me know how you are doing.

Practice, practice, practice and soon you'll master and control your negative thoughts!

If this still presents a problem for you, and you feel you need more support in banishing negative thoughts and feelings out of the garden of your mind, send me an email at asklinda@en-pointe-health.com.   Subject line:  type Complimentary 30-Minute  Banish My Negative Thoughts Strategy Session. 

I'll send you a link to my online calendar of available times. Act soon, slots fill up fast!

To Your Health!


Linda Raymond
En Pointe Health LLC